Cluster Workshops Were Held In Various Schools In Mirpur

Cluster workshops were held in various government and private schools in Mirpur, benefiting teachers from almost 150 government schools and more than 50 private schools. Over 800 teachers from the Mirpur division participated in these workshops. Through these workshops, teachers were guided on how to teach children in an easy and understandable way using new Quranic teaching methods along with the use of the TPI Method.
This series is ongoing in all three divisions of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, where the trainers of the Character Education Foundation are providing their services in the best possible way. The team leads and assistant team leads also visited the workshop centers frequently for supervision, and shed light on the importance and greatness of the Quranic teachings to the participants. The government also provided full cooperation, and educational officers visited various centers. These included the Secretary of Education, Director of Education Extension, officials responsible for the Textbook Board, Divisional Director, District Education Officer, and Assistant Education Officers. Additionally, principals of elementary colleges and other various colleges also participated (on the directives of DC RD). All officials appreciated the efforts of the CEF and ensured full cooperation.
All the participants paid attention and interest to this new teaching method, and then practiced it in the best way possible, including group activities and practicing grammar through TPI, and also correcting gestures. All the participants found the TPI teaching method easy and understandable, and liked it very much.